Daily Archives:

March 4, 2024

Buckeye Police Arrest Two Students in Connection with School Shooting Threats

Internal Revenue Service Special Agent Indicted in Shooting Death of Fellow Agent

On Wednesday, a federal grand jury indicted Larry Edward Brown, Jr., 42, of Peoria, on one count of Involuntary Manslaughter of an Officer of the…

Conviction of Maricopa Woman For 2015 Killing Of 3-Year-Old Child

Shawn Main On Friday, a Maricopa woman was found guilty of murder in relation to the 2015 passing of a 3-year-old…

MCSO Launch Investigation Following Discovery of Human Remains in Tonto National Forest

On Sunday morning, the Tonto National Forest was the site of an investigation by the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, following the discovery of human remains.…

Mother Arrested in Phoenix After Toddler Hospitalized Due To Drug Exposure

Allison Brown A woman from the Valley has been arrested after her young child was exposed to hazardous substances and quickly…