For the next 18 months, drivers who travel Interstate 10 between Tucson and Phoenix, can expect to see construction work as crews work to widen the interstate to three lanes in each direction.
Arizona Department of Transportation crews will widen 1-10 from just south of Earley Road to Interstate 8 (mileposts 196-200) in Casa Grande. The $36.6 million project is set to be completed by summer 2019. The project will add one lane of travel in each direction, with a concrete barrier separating travel. In addition, the project will create new bridges over Jimmie Kerr Boulevard. Auxiliary lanes in both directions between I-8 and Jimmie Kerr Boulevard will also be added during the project, which will provide a safer alternative to the existing ramps.
A joint effort of Ames and Combs construction companies will perform the work. Though construction crews will be working near the travel lanes, increased congestion is not expected in the area near Casa Grande. Night time lane restrictions are expected to take place during construction, according to ADOT. Leaving two lanes open to travel in both directions during heavy travel times.