December To Bring Double Social Security Benefit To Some

The Social Security Administration’s projected payouts for this year indicate that pensioners will receive two separate payments in December. Usually, these payments are spread out over each quarter, but this year, the two will arrive in a single month, at the end of the year, in the midst of the festive season.

By Friday Dec. 1, the Social Security Administration expects to have issued double payments to those who meet the requirements for Supplemental Security Income.

Sometimes referred to as a peculiarity, those receiving SSI will tend to get two payments in the months of March, June, September and December due to the SSA payment schedule.

In the four months of January, April, July and October, individuals usually do not receive any payments that can be deposited. For the remainder of the year, they will obtain one check per month.

The Social Security Administration has indicated that individuals who are expected to receive their payments should wait three additional mailing days after the date set out on their calendar before contacting them with any worries.

The governing body declared that the highest possible federal pay-out for individual claimants would total $914 monthly in 2023, while couples who qualify will receive $1,371 a month.