Assistance Requested By Queen Police Looking To Community To Help Identify Vehicle Spotted Near Preston Lord Assault Site

In Queen Creek AZ, the local police department is seeking assistance from the community in identifying the individual who owns a vehicle that was present at the location of Preston Lord’s attack and may have witnessed another related incident.

According to the police, the vehicle was parked on October 28, 2023, along 194th Street north of Via Del Oro.

As stated in a social media update from the Queen Creek Police Department, the individual behind the wheel may have observed another occurrence in the vicinity. Although law enforcement has not disclosed the nature of this incident, they did confirm receiving numerous service calls in the area on the night of Lord’s assault.

On Thursday news broke that the Maricopa medical examiner’s report has officially declared the passing of Preston Lord as a homicide.

Seven people have already been referred to the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office for possible charges in Lord’s death. Those referrals came in late December.

If you have any details about the car or its proprietor, please get in touch with the Queen Creek Police Department through either telephone at (480) 358-3575 or email at [email protected]. You can also anonymously provide tips by completing the form online.