Operation Dry Water Combats Impaired Boating Nationwide, July 1 – 3

As the summer boating season ramps up, law enforcement agencies across the country are intensifying their efforts to combat impaired boating as part of Operation Dry Water. The year-round campaign raises awareness about the dangers of boating under the influence (BUI) and reminds boaters that impaired boating by both the operator and passengers is dangerous and can cause serious injury and fatalities. Officers will be on amplified alert to enforce boating under the influence laws as part of the Operation Dry Water (ODW) heightened awareness and enforcement weekend, July 1 – 3, 2023.

To kick off the Operation Dry Water weekend, the Arizona Game & Fish Department, along with other agencies, is stepping up patrols on the state’s waterways.

“Operation Dry Water serves as a crucial reminder that safe boating requires clear judgment and responsible decision-making. We encourage all boaters to be vigilant, prioritize their safety, and stay sober while enjoying their time on the water,” says NASBLA Chair Susan Stocker. “This press event serves as an opportunity to highlight the risks associated with boating under the influence for both operators and passengers. By raising awareness and enforcing the message that alcohol and drug impairment is no longer acceptable on the water, we can work towards a safer and more enjoyable boating experience for all.”

Alcohol use is the leading contributing factor in recreational boater fatalities, and a leading factor in recreational boating incidents.* Over the course of the Operation Dry Water weekend, law enforcement officers will intensify their patrols on waterways, increasing their presence and engaging with boaters to provide education about the risks associated with boating while impaired. By combining outreach, awareness, and enforcement efforts, Operation Dry Water aims to minimize alcohol- and drug-related incidents and create a safer boating environment for everyone.

Since the launch of the Operation Dry Water campaign, 6,152 impaired operators have been removed from our nation’s waterways, preventing dangerous and potentially tragic consequences. Officers have also contacted over 2.5 million boaters during the annual three-day weekend as part of the outreach campaign. In 2022, 630 agencies from every state and territory participated in Operation Dry Water. For more information about Operation Dry Water visit http://www.operationdrywater.org.