Officials Warn Flooding Possible in Arizona on Wednesday, Use Caution

A storm on Wednesday is expected to bring rain all day throughout Arizona and with all the recent snow run off, officials are warning residents about possible flooding throughout the state.

Flood watch and flood warnings have been issued by the National Weather Service for areas south of the Mogollon Rim. Drivers should be aware that dry washes and roads can be flooded within minutes later.

Let this serve as a reminder to all drivers to never attempt to cross a flooded roadway. Doing so will destroy your car, put your life at risk, as well as the lives of the emergency responders who will need to rescue you.

With many tourists in our state for Spring Break and families traveling around enjoying Arizona’s beauty, it is important to be aware and prepared. Make sure you have water, a charged cell phone, a snack and rain protection. In some cases traveling across a dry hiking trail or a roadway, flooding could occur a moment’s notice and leave you stranded for hours.

When in doubt, don’t cross.