Mayo Clinic Study Shows Possible Long-Term Fertility and Health Concerns For Boys on Puberty Blockers

According to a new study from the Mayo Clinic, there may be ‘detrimental’ effects on long-term fertility problems, among other impacts with boys who are given puberty blockers.

The research, which has yet to undergo peer review, examined over 130,000 sperm cells from boys with gender dysphoria.

Every participant was under the age of 18.

In their study, the scientists examined the testicular cells of male adolescents who had been prescribed puberty blockers for a period ranging from three months to 52 months. The cells were then compared to those of a control group who did not receive any blockers.

The study found that individuals taking puberty blockers experienced varying degrees of “sex gland atrophy,” with the drugs speeding up the aging and performance of testicular cells.

The results indicate that the consequences of puberty blockers could have a lasting effect, contradicting information that these effects can be undone.

The presence of small clusters of calcium in the testicles, known as microlithiasis, was also identified by the researchers.

According to a pediatrician’s group, this type of treatment do not have any benefits for youths and can lead to irreversible consequences.

Further studies conducted by Mayo Clinic have established a correlation between testicular microlithiasis and a higher likelihood of developing testicular cancer.

In the study findings, they found never-before-seen histological evidence that highlights the harmful effects of puberty blockers on the testicular sex glands in children.

According to experts, there has been a significant increase in the number of American children who are facing gender dysphoria and a significant portion of them ultimately identify as transgender. There is a growing movement toward the rush of gender-affirming treatment, especially without parental consent.

According to a report by Reuters, the number of children diagnosed with gender dysphoria in 2021 was approximately 42,167, which is almost triple the number reported in 2017, which was 15,172.

One of the medications used to delay puberty is lupron (leuprolide), which falls under the category of hormone therapy typically prescribed for men with advanced prostate cancer. It can also be used to prevent premature puberty in young individuals by postponing sexual maturation.

The process also aids in slowing down the early development of bones, thus improving the chances of the adolescent not attaining the average adult height.

The FDA documented a total of 10,000 incidents of negative impacts on children in 2017, as reported by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These adverse effects included changes in mood, cognitive impairments, suicidal ideation, long-term fertility issues, seizures, migraines, fragile bones, brain inflammation, and loss of vision.

The use of puberty blockers often results in children being prescribed long-term transgender-affirming hormones, including estrogen and testosterone. These hormones come with potential dangers, such as the possibility that estrogen could lead to a higher occurrence of breast cancer.

Many medical experts believe the regular administration of puberty blockers to children and adolescents for gender dysphoria is not a suitable course of action due to the numerous potential long-term hazards and recommend postponing any hormonal treatments or gender reassignment procedures until a later stage in life. The advice as the first step prior to using puberty blockers would be using intensive supportive and cognitive therapy as the initial course of action.

Previous research has demonstrated that drugs used to delay puberty can disrupt the natural growth of testicular cells, potentially causing them to shrink or develop abnormally. The drugs have an effect on the regular functioning of spermatogonial stem cells, which are vital for the production of sperm and the general health of the reproductive system.

The effects of these drugs may have a lasting impact, despite what is commonly believed by advocates for the transgender community. The concern is if their development is disrupted, it could lead to decreased fertility or other reproductive problems in the future and may be irreversible. The concern is that these drugs are not as harmless as they are advertised to be.

According to the experts, there are risks that extend beyond infertility.

According to a medical professional, hormones like testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen play a crucial role in brain development, memory, and cognition.  Altering hormone levels can have an impact on brain development, as well as other organ systems, and could greatly affect the development of the adolescent.

Understanding the complete effects of these drugs, which are increasingly being used, is crucial for the well-being of future generations. Another considering using puberty blocking hormones should do their research and understand the total impact the treatment could have.