Calling all principals and school administrators! How would you like one of 15 Arizona Centennial road signs to display in your cafeteria, auditorium or elsewhere on campus?
The Arizona Department of Transportation is hosting a student essay contest to determine which public schools will get an Arizona Centennial road sign that was originally installed on the state highway system in 2012 to commemorate the 100-year anniversary of Arizona gaining statehood.
The topic of the essay contest involves the five Cs of Arizona: Copper, Cattle, Cotton, Citrus, and Climate. Each of these five resources serves an important role in Arizona’s history. Students may choose one or multiple resources for the assignment. Describe why the resource, or resources, plays an important role in the economy and culture of Arizona.
Contest rules are as follows:
- Eligible students must be enrolled in 6th to 12th grades. The essays must be at least 400 words and be the original work of the student.
- One essay per public school is allowed to be submitted. The designated school administrator or official will submit their school’s essay nomination through the contest website at Hand-written submissions can be scanned as a PDF and submitted electronically.
- The deadline for submitting essays to ADOT is midnight on Jan. 31, 2023.
- Essays submitted from each participating school will be judged by a panel of ADOT employees based on originality, creativity, unique writing style and descriptive language.
- Note: The centennial road signs are authentic and may show minor effects of weather or other signs of use.
One winning essay will be chosen in each Arizona county to receive a centennial sign. Winning schools will be announced on Feb. 14, 2023.
School officials are encouraged to visit for complete contest rules and information.