
Williams Police Department To Add Weapon-Mounted Cameras

According to a Thursday announcement, the Williams Police Department in northern Arizona will install weapon-mounted cameras for all of its officers. 

While the department’s 15 officers currently utilize body-worn cameras, they wanted to add video recording capability in another area.

“I believe in this,” Williams Police Lt. Darrell Hixson said. Hixson said he selected cameras made by Viridian, which mount to the front of the officers duty weapon.  “Police are taught to take cover and concealment. If they do that maybe the camera’s pointing at a wall now.”

Despite the use of cameras mounted on the vests and shoulders of officers, there is still a chance for the view to be obstructed as a result of a weapon being drawn.

While Williams Police Department has never experienced a police-involved shooting, the department wants to be prepared to record everything that happens with what Hixson is referring to as an “insurance policy.”