University of Arizona officials have withdrawn university recognition of the Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity chapter following a finding of multiple violations of the Arizona Board of Regents Student Code of Conduct.
Loss of recognition means the fraternity loses the use of UArizona facilities and resources and cannot participate in university events, effectively separating it from the university. It is the most serious sanction the university can impose.
The conduct violations were for hazing and causing bodily harm. Chapter leaders had the opportunity to respond to the findings.
“I am disappointed and frustrated with AEPi members who actively disregarded university policies and expectations,” said UArizona Dean of Students Kendal Washington White. “This behavior is a serious disservice to the 50 fraternities and sororities who are following the rules and providing positive experiences for their members.”
AEPi was put on probation and prohibited from holding events with alcohol in the spring of 2018. In September 2019, the chapter was placed on interim loss of recognition following allegations of hazing. The most recent sanction of permanent loss of recognition is in place until May 2025. The chapter has until December 5 to appeal the university decision.
“Over the last several years, we have worked closely with sororities and fraternities on campus to combat hazing through prevention and disciplinary programs,” said Marcos Guzman, assistant dean of students and director of fraternity and sorority programs. “We provide a hotline for reporting hazing and publicize which fraternities and sororities are currently under sanction or investigation as a resource for students and parents.”
The university’s efforts to combat hazing start with students at orientation and continue through rush and recruitment. Chapter leaders are required to submit anti-hazing paperwork to reinforce the university’s zero-tolerance hazing policy, reminding members, officers and pledges that hazing is prohibited and of the consequences for causing harm.
The University of Arizona is one of the few universities in the country that maintains an online listing of Greek organizations under judicial review to help students and families evaluate fraternities and sororities. It is updated each semester and can be found at