Two of the Loop 101 (Pima Freeway) ramps at Seventh Street in Phoenix will be closed for approximately six months starting Monday night, Sept. 9, to allow work to advance on the Arizona Department of Transportation’s ongoing freeway widening project in the north Valley.
The eastbound Loop 101 off-ramp and westbound on-ramp at Seventh Street will close at 9 p.m. Monday. The ramps are scheduled to reopen in March 2020.
Drivers who normally use those ramps should plan on using alternate routes to enter or exit Loop 101. Motorists can use the westbound Loop 101 Beardsley frontage road to enter Loop 101 at Seventh Avenue. Eastbound Loop 101 drivers can exit at Seventh Avenue and use the eastbound frontage road to reach Seventh Street.
The ramp closures will allow crews to finish widening ramp and freeway bridges over Cave Creek Wash, located west of Seventh Street, in order to accommodate the addition of one new lane in each direction along Loop 101.
ADOT’s $185 million project to add lanes and make other improvements along 13 miles of Loop 101 between Interstate 17 and Pima Road started in February. The entire project is scheduled for completion in early 2021.
More information about the Loop 101 Improvement Project in the north Valley is available at