Back to school season is underway and federal health officials are recommending parents and caregivers to take an extra step to ensure their child’s safety.
As an extra precaution in emergency situations, federal health officials are encouraging parents to complete emergency contact cards and send them with their children to school this year. The emergency cards should include your child’s name, date of birth and the contact information for their parent or guardian. It’s also prudent to provide an out-of-town contact and specify any special needs or specific allergies or medical conditions that students may have.
“You know how easily books and papers get lost or destroyed in your child’s backpack, so make sure that their emergency card can withstand the wear and tear. Consider laminating their emergency card and picking a secure place in their backpack where their card can be quickly and easily located,” the CDC recommends.
The CDC also reminded parents that there are three steps that can help to protect their children during emergencies at school. First, ask how you would be reunited with your child in an emergency or evacuation. Next, bring extra medications, special food, or supplies your child would need if you were separated overnight. Finally, complete a backpack card and tuck one in your child’s backpack and your wallet.