The world of travel and public transport are notoriously frustrating when it comes to major population centers, but rest assured, forward progress is being made. And it might be coming from closer than you think.
Research and development for public transport in the US is largely centered in universities. Minds from colleges across the country come together to tackle the statistics and issues of public transport, and now Arizona is set to play a major role in this process.
Universities play many roles in the research and development of public transportation systems. Some universities, for instance West Virginia University, act as real time trials of new transportation models (the Public Rapid Transport.) Others act as groups for research both nationally and regionally.
Arizona State University has been selected to play a fundamental role leading in this research after being selected as a Tier 1 University Transport Center. It joins the likes of Clemson University and Colorado State University to now oversee many other research universities including South Florida University and the University of Washington. The group received more than $300 million in grants as announced by the US Department of Transportation in December of 2016.
ASU will host a new center for research to assist The US Department of Transportation.
This opens major doors for local students and creates yet another boon for the state of Arizona and especially for Arizona State University moving forward.
ASU remains the largest public university in terms of enrollment and could see additional growth based on the proximity of this center. A higher numbers of student enrollment means a more educated population within Arizona, creating bright prospects for the future.