More Women Voted in 2018 Midterms

According to new statistics released by the U.S. Census Bureau, more women voted in the 2018 midterm election in Arizona. About 1.5 million women in the state voted in the election and only 1.3 million men voted.

These numbers translated to over 60% of voting-age women who had voted and 57% of men. This disparity between the sexes wasn’t only observed in Arizona, 55% of women voted nationally versus 52% of men.

Latinos also turned out in large numbers. About 558,000 Latinos voted in the last election. This number is up from 364,000 in the 2014 election.

Overall, more voting age residents came out to the polls, 59%. The number was 40.6% in 2014.

Nationally, voter turnout was over 53% in 2018 and 42% in 2014. Midterm 2018 had the highest turnout in four decades, and 2014 had the lowest.