Maricopa County is One of the Fastest Growing Counties

According to a federal population estimate, Maricopa County was the United States’ fastest-growing county for the third consecutive year. Within a year’s time, the county added 81,244 residents.

“Most of our population growth is coming in migration from people moving from the Northeast and the Midwest,” said Eric Jay Toll, Phoenix community and economic development spokesman.

Maricopa County is also the nation’s fourth-largest U.S. county. Harris County is the third fastest growing county with 290,000 residents. Harris was the only county to add more residents than Maricopa between the years of 2010 and 2018.

“Arizona’s economy is booming. Paychecks are some of the fastest growing in the country. And we continue to provide an unbeatable quality of life,” said Governor Doug.

Los Angeles County in California is No. 1 and Cook County in Illinois is No. 2. Greater Phoenix was also the second-fastest-growing metro area. Dallas-Fort Worth was the fastest growing metro area.

Toll expects growth to remain constant in the foreseeable future. “You look around all the construction and all the new jobs that are projected, I think we’re going to maintain among the leaders,” Toll said.