This marks two years in a row for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott to be named as the Number 1 school in the nation for aerospace, aeronautical and astronomical engineering. With the space race merging with private enterprise, this is very exciting news.
Embry-Riddle outranked nearly 1,800 accredited four-year universities in a study by U.S. News & World Report. They based their judgment on nominations by deans and senior faculty for programs offering only bachelor degrees in the aerospace industry.
A large deciding factor in Embry-Riddle’s ranking was the student-to-faculty ratio according to Ron Madler, dean of the College of Engineering on the Prescott campus.
Madler also cited the high GPAs from the entering students and the average of 12 years of professional experience from the faculty.
These highly experienced professors are required to be available at least 10 office hours each week for students. The students begin working hands-on in their first year and by the end of their degree requirements, most have completed a capstone project with an actual company in the industry.
Visit the Embry-Riddle University Aeronautical University website to learn more.