Could a common vitamin prove to be a key in helping treat the coronavirus? Some doctors in both China and New York have been using Vitamin C to try to treat their patients. One Arizona doctor who’s been using this technique for other infections explains why vitamin C might be effective. The key, he says? Absorption through an IV.
“When people get sick, the first thing in their body that actually gets depleted is vitamin C,” said Dr. Steven Katz, a naturopathic physician in Scottsdale.
Dr. Katz often sees patients with pneumonia or bronchitis. The World Health Organization says coronavirus can lead to things like pneumonia.
“I’ve been using Vitamin C for acute and chronic infection patients for a long time,” he said.
He said the immune support the vitamin has on a person’s body is incredible. But he said it’s more than just your typical Vitamin C pill or chewable gummy. Instead, it’s a very high dose of it through an IV that he said could help save these COVID-19 patients.
“The absorption is going to be much higher when you go with an IV because it gets absorbed right away,” he said.
Dr. Katz said the New York doctors are giving patients around 6,000 milligrams a day through and IV and seeing positive results, but warns that by pill, people shouldn’t take more than 2,000 milligrams of vitamin C per day unless told otherwise by their doctor.
But Dr. Katz said that as doctors race to find a cure or vaccine for COVID-19, Vitamin C can only help, and may give these patients a fighting chance for recovery.
However, the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization said there is no evidence that Vitamin C prevents or can cure the virus.
Although, it doesn’t hurt to throw an Emergen-C packet into your daily routine.