
Chandler startup develops stem cell treatments to heal injured animals

Every pet owner fears the idea of taking their animal to the veterinarian’s office only to hear the words “There’s nothing more we can do” or something similar. It is the fear of every veterinarian to have to tell a pet owner that their companion will never walk or be active again. Now there is an exciting new technology available that allows for natural healing to occur in sick or injured dogs and horses.

AniCell Biotech is a Chandler-based company that uses amniotic materials collected during birth and uses them in new regenerative treatments for tendons, ligaments, and eye wounds for dogs and horses. These ground-breaking products extend the active life of animals using regenerative therapies that address the underlying cause of the illness or injury instead of simply bandaging the problem.

The secret of this technology is amnion – the inner most membrane and surrounding fluid that protects and nurtures a baby as it grows in the mother’s womb. Pregnant animals are taken to AniCell’s ranch where the amnion is naturally collected and taken to a lab. The amnion collected during birth is able to replace the harvesting of an animal’s cells from bone marrow, fat or blood, a painful and invasive procedure.

The natural collection of amniotic materials allows AniCell to create shots, bandages, eye implants and eye drops to help the animal actually heal and treat the underlying cause of the problem, not just the symptoms. This technology not only changes the lives of animals, but those of the owners as well.

In the past, regenerative treatments have been incredibly invasive and costly. Owners would often have to choose between incredibly expensive procedures or the life of the animal. Sometimes there would not even be a procedure available and the animal would have to be put down. Now, through the collection of natural materials already produced in the birth of animals, AniCell is able to provide products that enrich and prolong the lives of animals.

AniCell is on the cutting edge of equine medicine and scientists are constantly gaining knowledge about how to use these treatments. Vets across the country are using AniCell products and the cost is covered by many insurance plans.