An Image Makeover Is Underway At Hickman’s Farm

In an announcement Wednesday, Hickman Family Farm’s launched its new “edgy” brand logo—the logo that will now be featured on cartons and delivery trucks. 

In addition, the Arizona-based egg producer will be incorporating catchy phrases like, “Stay off my tail feather,” “to get eggs any fresher, we’d have to give you the bird” and “last one to the store is a rotten egg…”

“This refresh is about defining who we are and staying up to date,” Glenn Hickman, president and CEO of Hickman’s Family Farms, explained. “If we make your head turn while doing it, great! We’re trying to ‘Wake people up to eggs’ in multiple ways.” 

People will begin to see the new labels and packaging in the next few months, as well as changes on, the company’s website.

Founded in 1944, today Hickman’s Family Farms is the largest egg producer west of the Rockies.