Daily Archives:

September 15, 2020

Phoenix Union High School District To Remain In Remote Learning Until Next Year

On Monday, the Phoenix Union High School District announced plans to remain in remote learning mode to ensure the health and safety of their 28,000…

UArizona Asking On Campus Students To Self-Quarantine For 2 Weeks

In an effort to curb the rise in coronavirus positive test results on campus, the University of Arizona is asking students living on or around…

Arizona Reports 484 New COVID-19 Cases

The Arizona Department of Health Services released their updated Coronavirus numbers on Tuesday and the report shows there have been 484 new coronavirus cases reported.…

Arizona Voters Who Don’t Sign Their Ballots Will Get 5 Days To Cure Their Ballot

A federal judge has ruled Thursday that Arizona voters who forget to sign their early ballots before mailing them get up to five days after…