Daily Archives:

August 7, 2020

Homeland Security Find ‘Sophisticated’ Unfinished Border Tunnel In Arizona

Photo Credit: photo provided by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Source: AP) In late July, Homeland Security investigations found an incomplete tunnel stretching from Arizona to…

Photo Credit: https://azdailysun.com

Spill Sends 20,000 Gallons of Sewage Into Sedona’s Oak Creek

The City of Sedona has reported that a sewer replacement project along State Route 179 has accidentally spilled an estimated 20,000 gallons of sewage into…

Fire Restrictions Lifted in Some Parts of Arizona

Wildfire season is now 365 days a year. Multiple state and federal agencies work together when implementing and lifting fire restrictions in Arizona. “There’s (sic)…

ADOT’s Weekend Freeway Travel Advisory

August 7-10 Stretches of Loop 101 in the Phoenix area are scheduled to be closed or restricted this weekend (Aug. 7-10) for improvement projects, according…